
2015 Summer Camp Guide

April 13, 2015
Summer is on everyone’s mind and as we think of the warm days ahead. We also wonder how our younger school-aged children are going to learn and grow during the summer months. Playing outside and with friends is usually a given, but often children attend summer camp. While you may be tempted to save money and keep your older children at home, examine all of the following points carefully to help you make an educated decision on what is the best option for your child(ren). Furthermore, there are a lot of camps and choosing can be difficult.
Safety FIRST - Does your program have safety measures like Licensing, does the staff know CPR and First Aid? Is it a child-friendly environment, have proper shelter from the summer sun, fencing with gates, and a staff/child ratio that ensures there are not too many children per counselor?
Education isn't lost - An ideal summer camp curriculum should be implemented (As least a little) to reserve all the learning from September - June. Field trip opportunities should be fun but learning experiences too, even if its outside of a classroom. Ideally there is a balance between the two.
Pick for Your Kid(s)Age Group- Examine the ages of the group your child will be in. Your child should be comfortable with their peers and the size of their group, especially in settings like buses, field trips, and pool outings. And if its important to you, will siblings be together based on their age or apart?
Outside v Inside - Being outdoors for a portion of the day is important. You kid(s) can't climb the walls if there aren't any!
Experience is Everything - Summer camps should have a qualified teaching staff, and years of experience running camps. They should have staff with training in childcare, education, and safety. Will the staff be responsive to your family’s needs, like helping your child stay at a specific reading level? Will they accommodate this need? Don’t be afraid to ask questions!
The choices you make for your kid(s) in the summer are just as important as those choices made in the school year. The summer is an additional chance for your kid(s) to learn and grow while having fun and making memories that will last a lifetime.